Father Christmas had you hypnotised, here’s how.
self-development Tom Carter self-development Tom Carter

Father Christmas had you hypnotised, here’s how.

According to folklore, Father Christmas is a plump old man who can work magic. And yet, incredibly, clever kids the world over believe in Santa with all their hearts, why?

Although this as a bit of festive fun, the important point is perhaps obvious, it’s not just Father Christmas that we come to belief at an early age, its all the other stuff we inherit in those formative years, some of which can be severely life-limiting.

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How Beliefs Can Block or Unlock Your Superhuman

How Beliefs Can Block or Unlock Your Superhuman

We can hold strong beliefs about how limited we are, and we can hold strong beliefs about how capable we are – both will hold true in the way our bodies play those beliefs out for us through the way we feel, think and behave. Hypnotherapy can help change beliefs at a subconscious level, unlocking our incredible human potential.

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5 things a toddler can teach you about mastering your goal

5 things a toddler can teach you about mastering your goal

Can you walk? If the answer is yes, you can feel good to know that you’ve mastered something so incredibly complex that even the most advanced robotics can’t get close to mimicking it. And yet most of us do it all the time without a second thought. Its vital that we learn to walk when we’re so young because they way we learn at this age, is quite different, here’s how.

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