Accessing Creativity
“Our best ideas come when we’re not thinking.”
Finding yourself stuck in a creative rut?
Frustrated you can’t access the creative potential you know you have?
Do deadlines help you focus or leave you lost for ideas?
Wanting to create but can’t find the confidence to make it happen?
Would tapping into your creativity more often be useful to you?
Talk to me for help.
As children we all imagine easily, dreaming up whatever amuses and entertains us – sometimes even scaring ourselves with the ‘make believe’. As we move into adult life, many of us loose touch with this creative part of our personality, we get out of practice. And for those of us who create for a living, the pressure of expectations and deadlines can be equally problematic, leading us away from our creative flow when we need it most.
Have you ever found yourself waking up with a flash of creative brilliance or the solution to a problem you’d been pondering the day before? Maybe the same thing happened whilst gazing out of the window or simply taking a walk. This is quite common and not the least bit surprising, we can understand from this the latent creativity of our subconscious mind, a level of awareness that is different normal waking alertness. Whilst we can have creative thoughts during a normal waking state, all too often the critical conscious mind will shut them down before they have a chance to emerge. Or excessive worrying and self-doubt can prevent them appearing altogether.
How hypnotherapy helps with being more creative
Hypnosis is a entirely natural way of accessing the lower range frequencies at which our minds are most creative, where dots can join and new ideas form, as if by magic. I help people learn the skills that allow them to access their creativity when they want to. As anyone who has enjoyed a state of creative flow will know, the more easily you can access your creativity, the more of it you have.

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
— Maya Angelou