Why you can’t quit smoking like everybody else.
There are 5.5 million smokers in the UK and every one of them has a story. A story as individual as they are.
A story of their first drag and that taste.
Of parents and teachers and all who said don’t.
Of ciggies borrowed, those repaid, and the friends they’ve made.
Of lovers loved and lovers lost. Of headrush and heartache.
Of breaktimes savoured and rare moments of calm.
Of high-days, holidays and tougher times too.
Every smoker has a story, a story in which their habit has played a key part, with them in hand or mouth, through the best and worst of times, a part of their identity.
A story which lives mostly in their emotional unconscious mind. And which that part of the mind can be reluctant to let go. Because it views quitting as much the same as losing, losing the story that is, all those precious, life-affirming moments. Memories that get accessed unconsciously, every time they light up in the feelings they get.
So the powerful unconscious mind resists their efforts to quit, no matter the amount of willpower involved, or the shocking packaging warning of death and disease. The unconscious mind will have its way, in those moments of weakness, pulling you back to old ways.
And this is why you can’t quit like everyone else, because whilst you may smoke like them, the reasons you keep smoking, are yours and yours alone.
The smoking itself, is but a symptom. And there are many treatments for the symptom, patches, gums, NRT, e-cigs etc. But if the real reasons aren’t tackled, they will work against anyone trying to quit.
Hypnotherapy helps to access those areas of the mind which are outside of normal consciousness, giving people insight into the reasons that keep their habit coming back so they can release it, and become a non-smoker for good.
Lose the habit, keep the story.
If you or someone you know is ready to quit smoking for good, book a free consultation call with me here