Fears & Phobias.
Live life free from the fear of phobia.
Hypnotherapy helps to retrain subconscious fear responses so you can live life free from the limitation of phobias.
Phobias are one of the most common reasons people seek hypnotherapy. Aside from the fear itself, phobias can be severely restrictive with many finding themselves fitting life around their fear(s).
Phobias are not something you are born with but something you learn. This can be through a single event or something that builds over time, fuelled further by avoidant behaviour.
Hypnotherapy helps address fears at the subconscious feeling level, restoring the mind and body for a more appropriate response, giving back a precious sense of control and freedom for living.
Common phobias for hypnotherapy
Fear of Elevators
Fear of Public Speaking
Fear of Heights
Fear of Failure
Fear of Clowns
Fear of Balloons
Choose with confidence.
100% Safe and naturally effective
Accredited by General Hypnotherapy Standards Council
Sessions available online or in person (Norwich, UK)
Hypnotherapist Tom Carter, GHR (Acc) HPD NLPP