Insomnia & Sleep
“You don’t go to sleep, sleep comes to you.”
— Gil Boyne
Tired of not sleeping well?
Having difficulty drifting off, tossing and turning?
Up in the middle of the night, despite feeling tired?
Waking early unable to get back to sleep?
Wondering what you need to do to get a good night’s sleep?
Talk to me for help.
Sleep is something you normally look forward to. A time to rest and recharge your batteries, to take you into the next day alert and full of energy. However, sometimes the process of sleeping may be arduous and less than restful. If you fall into this category, help is at hand.
Most people experience periods when they find it difficult to sleep. Perhaps you’re stressed, or travelling from a different time zone, or just don’t know why you can’t sleep. These times are transitory and are little more than an inconvenience. However, your periods of sleeplessness may become more than transitory and develop into a recurring pattern when you are trying to get to sleep.
Common types of insomnia
Initial sleep difficulties: You have difficulty falling asleep when you first go to bed.
Intermediate sleep difficulties: You fall asleep when you first go to bed but awaken in the middle of the night. Once you awaken you find it difficult to return to sleep.
Early morning awakening: You sleep throughout the night, but awaken much earlier than you normally would, feeling unrefreshed and sleepy. Typically, you’re not able to return to sleep.
How hypnotherapy helps with insomnia
There could be many reasons why you are experiencing insomnia, but eventually the insomnia becomes a habit – a faulty sleeping strategy, as it were. Hypnotherapy helps you:
Develop a healthy sleeping strategy
Deal with any underlying issues contributing to your insomnia
If you are experiencing problems with sleep and would like to discuss them, contact me for an initial consultation.
Source: www.nhs.uk

“A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.”
— Charlotte Bronte