Life Coaching
“Is the path you’re on the one you want to tread?”
Is life going the way you want it to?
Are you living up to the potential you know you have?
Feeling blocked or confused, wanting a new direction?
Paralysed by big decisions, worrying you’ll take the wrong one?
Struggling to find focus or enjoyment in what you do?
Talk to me for help.
Most people let life happen to them. Because we are conditioned to be passive, putting others first in our decisions. Whilst this selflessness has a place, too much of it can leave us feeling lost ourselves, unsure of where we’re heading, scared even. Many describe a sense of frustration in knowing they have so much more to achieve but struggle knowing where to pick up.
Using a combination of hypnotherapy and NLP, I work with people to find their passion and focus. And create the steps needed to get on track and towards a fullment.
This is not a quick fix, as it has been said, ‘life is a lifetimes work’, but simply knowing where you’re heading and making progress towards that, you’ll be surprised just how quickly things can improve.
The first step to change is not only the toughest, it is the most vital. You can take yours today, contact me for an initial consultation.

“In life as with most things, we get what we aim for. So make damn sure you’re aiming at something you want.”
— Jordan Peterson