Sports Performance
“The opponent in one’s own head is more formidable than the one on the other side of the net.”
— Tim Gallwey
Is self-doubt holding back your potential?
Have you reached a plateau you can’t get past?
Have what it takes but fall short on the day?
Talk to me for help.
As top athletes know, when it comes sports performance, your mental preparation is as important as your physical.
We’ve all marvelled at an ‘on-form’ athlete achieving amazing things, playing to their absolute physical potential. If so, then it’s likely you’ve also watched top sportspeople having a shocker of a game, race, tournament etc. They look the same on the outside and yet what’s going on inside is making all the difference. That difference is in most cases, their subconscious or rather the conflict between their conscious and subconscious mind. Is there subconscious working for them and allowing their physical preparation to play out? Or is it sabotaging their performance that day?
How hypnosis helps Sports Performance
The use of hypnosis in sports offers the following potential benefits that may help athletes handle personal challenges that would otherwise negatively affect sporting performance.
Helps to reinforce established sporting goals
Aids athletes to better handle nervousness
Contributes to relaxation
Facilitates stress management
Increases concentration
Eliminates sports phobia responses
Provides the ability to eliminate distractions
Assists in controlling pain
Increases performance motivation
Improves bodily awareness
Working with me
By combining the powerful toolsets of hypnotherapy and NLP, I can help people to harness the power of their subconscious mind to achieve whatever sporting goal you are going for. Get your subconscious onside, contact me for an initial consultation.

“If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it - then I can achieve it.”
— Muhammad Ali