The Problem with being a ‘People Pleaser’.
A surprising number of the people I work with in therapy start off describing themselves as being a ‘People Pleaser’ – often said with a sideways smile and an undertone of knowing this to be a problem, which it certainly can be. But why?

How Hypnotherapy can help you overcome Driving Anxiety.
Driving anxiety is a common issue that affects many people. For some, it can be a mild unease or nervousness when driving, while for others, it can be a severe fear that prevents them from driving altogether. If you are one of those who struggle with driving anxiety, you know how limiting it can be, affecting not only your ability to drive but also your quality of life.
Fortunately, there are many treatment options available to help manage and overcome driving anxiety, and hypnotherapy is one of the most effective and popular ones. Hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation techniques to help you access your subconscious mind and make positive changes to your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours.

Why is Anxiety worse in the morning?
Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest in various forms, such as panic attacks, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or generalized anxiety disorder. While anxiety can occur at any time of the day, many people experience it more intensely in the morning. In this blog, we discuss why anxiety is worse in the morning and provide advice for managing its symptoms.

Can OCD be treated with Hypnotherapy?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. In Norwich, hypnotherapy for OCD can be an effective way to reduce anxiety, manage compulsions, and improve quality of life. Here's what you need to know about hypnotherapy and how it can help those with OCD.

Hypnotherapy as a Treatment for Aviophobia: Overcoming the Fear of Flying
Aviophobia, also known as the fear of flying, is a common phobia that affects millions of people around the world. It can prevent individuals from taking trips, pursuing career opportunities, and experiencing new cultures, causing them to feel trapped and limited in their daily lives. Fortunately, hypnotherapy has been shown to be an effective treatment option for aviophobia, helping individuals to overcome their fear of flying and reclaim their freedom.

The Safety of Sadness
Everyone of us has experienced sadness at some point in their life, often when something we cared for is lost to us – a person, a pet, a part of our life, a part of ourselves even.
These events can very easily move us off balance, cause a feeling of sadness and in more significant cases a prolonged depression of mood and motivation. As painful as these periods can be, it is helpful to understand something of why our bodies react in this way.
This place of stuckness can be unbelievably painful for people. But with the right support, people can find their way out, to reengage with life and the fullness of what it has to offer - and what they have to offer it.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 - Loneliness
Everyone’s personality is a collection of parts, parts formed and shaped by the many roles we play in ‘The Act of Living’. One of the common principles across the many forms of therapy is that an integrated personality is representative of good health. Hypnotherapy can help people to reconnect with problematic parts of their personality so they can enjoy a sense of wholeness and inner harmony.

Anxiety - Ancient Wisdom Short-Circuited by Modern Times.
Anyone experiencing symptoms of anxiety or panic may like to know that feeling anxious is a natural bodily process - like breathing, digestion, immunity. The reason anxiety causes so many people problems today is because the anxiety alarm is designed to keep us clear of the kinds of danger our ancestors faced, out in the wild. The good news is, by understanding anxiety as an intelligent, life-saving response and not a medical disease, we can take a different view.

Panic - Attack or Alarm?
The term Panic Attack is commonly used nowadays, but it wasn’t always the case. Over the last decade, searches for ‘Panic Attack’ on Google have increased by 223%. Here’s a different approach and one that I came to learn through self-experimentation.